Whole Body Sonic Vibration Sessions

Accelerate your natural healing ability

Add to the quality of your life
with additional vitality

Modern technology brings a New Dimension to Health and Well-Being

In a 10 minute Sonic- Life Whole Body Vibration Session you can:

  • Reduce body fat and cellulite
  • Increase energy,
  • Build muscle
  • Relieve pain
  • Flush toxins out of the body by activating your lymphatic system
  • Stimulate every cell in your body

Find out for yourself
Call to schedule your personalized session 707-480-4003
You can purchase sessions or buy your own Sonic Life and use it in the convenience of your own home or office.

“The vibrations of the WBV send waves of energy and relaxation through my body. Calms my mind and afterwards my muscles fell like they’ve been toned and tightened, like a workout in the gym.
It’s an integrated mind body, spirit experience.”
– R. Stevens


The world first caught a glimpse of the results of Whole Body Vibrational-training when the Russians began to win most of the Gold Medals at the 1960 Olympic Games. Next, they found they could keep their cosmonauts in space for an extended period. Soon it was over a year longer than the United States could. The Soviets kept the technology of whole body vibration a secret until after the Berlin Wall came down in November 1989. In fact, it took over 30 years for the rest of the world to discover the secret to Russia’s Olympic and outer-space achievements.

Dr. Vladimir Nazarov, the former Soviet Union’s leading sports scientist, began to experiment with the research and development of this amazing technology. Nazarov was a chairman of sports biomechanics at the State College in Minsk and also a member of the Soviet gymnastics team. He was able to introduce this technology to the fields of medicine and sports only after achieving repeated successful results from rigid scientific experimentation.

The Russian Space Program continues to use the technology today, as physical therapy to help the cosmonauts overcome the considerable decrease of bone mass and muscle tone that they used to experience during extended periods of weightlessness.

In the early 1990’s, after the fall of the Soviet Union, Nazarov’s research on whole body vibration made its way west and immediately, european athletes began utilizing whole body vibration training.

Starting around 1990, Germany, Israel and Korea each began extensive research into this potent technology. The European Space Agency and NASA continue to utilize vibration technology in ongoing studies for the maintenance of muscle strength, mass, and bone density.

Today, whole body vibration technology is being utilized for Health and Fitness, Recovery and Rehab, Sports Performance and Anti-Aging puproses, on a global scale. Everyone from the elderly, the person with physical disabilities, to the general person looking to get toned and healthy is using this form of exercise.

From a scientific viewpoint, the electrical potential of the cell is a direct indicator of the overall health of the body. When the electrical potential is low, your cells lose their vitality and ability to function properly, which can lead to fatigue, lack of vitality, and decreased immunity. When you look at the live cell blood sample of an unhealthy person under a microscope; the cells appear clumped together and somewhat lifeless – a classic picture of low electrical potential.
A practitioner, who wanted to know if there was a difference in the effect between Sonic and Mechanical WBV on unhealthy blood cells, did a blood cell study. After just 10 minutes of Sonic WBV, the cells were re-energized, and regained enough cell voltage to separate from the other blood cells, and return to a more functional state, with a greater degree of separation from other cells. Blood samples taken before and after Mechanical WBV, showed no change whatsoever.
The energy level or health of a cell can actually be measured in millivolts. According to Nobel Prize winner Otto Warburg, healthy cells have cell voltages of 70 to 90 millivolts with an overall negative charge. Due to the constant stresses of modern life, a toxic diet and environment, cell voltage tends to drop, becoming even more depleted as we age or get sick.
It is notable that just 10 minutes of Sonic WBV had a positive effect on the unhealthy blood cells. It is also important to know that consistent use of this technology for an extended period of time is necessary to return cells to a continuous, fully healthy state, with a cell voltage that remains high enough to initiate a natural healing response within the body.
And again, simply mechanically vibrating the cells is not the same as increasing cellular voltage. With Sonic WBV, the cells vibrate in response to the sound wave stimulation, which increases the electrical potential or voltage of the cell.
Another major cause of overall vitality loss is stagnation of lymphatic and other body fluids. Unlike changing the oil in our cars, we cannot remove dirty, stagnant fluids in our body and replace them. Rather than replacing our fluids, we must stimulate circulation to facilitate detoxification and enhance the flow of energy throughout our bodies. As blood and lymph circulate through our bodies, they remove toxins and other waste products. Exercise and good circulation help increase the flow of our vital fluids and assist in the removal of these harmful elements.
It is said that the lymphatic system is the most neglected system of the body. Even orthodox medicine is looking to this system as being the leading cause of many disorders in the body. Lymphatic message has become a popular modality for addressing the congestion and release of toxins. Sonix WBV is the most effective tool I have ever seen for the movement and release of congested, stagnant lymphatic fluids.
Consider the circulatory system. The heart is the pump, which pushes the blood through our arteries, supplying our cells with oxygen and nutrients. Once the blood has delivered the oxygen and nutrients throughout the body, it then removes the undesirable carbon dioxide and waste products via the lungs. Moving that deoxygenated venous blood back to the heart is both critical and challenging, because it partially relies on muscle action and one-way valves to get the blood back. This is the basis for the recommendations of vascular/cardio exercise routines promoted by the MDs.
An even greater challenge is to circulate the lymphatic fluids. Lymphatic vessels parallel veins and arteries throughout your body and are also essential for removing toxins from your blood stream. But unlike the circulatory system, the lymphatic system does not have a pump and relies entirely on one-way valves and muscle contractions to move fluid. This is where Sonic WBV PE assists in moving these stagnant fluids out of the body. Like active exercise, Sonic PE WBV will stimulate the cells; energize muscles, and effectively move blood and lymphatic fluid, so your body can function more efficiently. If any of these fluids stagnate, or don’t flow freely, the toxins and wastes will accumulate in our bodies. This may lead to fatigue, aches and pain, lose of vital energy, etc.
By stimulating the cells and systems that remove toxins from your body, exercising muscles, stimulating organ tissue, releasing stubborn fat, increasing cellular vitality, strengthening bones, and raising energy levels, SONIX Fitness will put you on the path to creating a Fit, healthier, energized, better feeling, YOU!


Depending on age and physical condition, before beginning any exercise program, an evaluation by a physician is recommended to rule out potential health risks. Once health and fitness levels are determined and any physical restrictions identified, the individual’s SWBV exercise program should begin slowly. Children and the elderly should be under the supervision of a trained professional.

What is WBV?
WBV is a platform that vibrates while the user stands, sits, etc., on it. Exercises can be performed while on the platform, which will have a different effect on the body compared to performing these exercises while on solid ground. The biological reaction to vibration is dependent on the frequency, magnitude, duration and type of vibration — or how often, how much and how long the vibratory stimulus is. There is an involuntary muscular response to vibration; the muscle contracts and relaxes at the same rate as the Hz set on the WBV unit. Specific WBV frequencies make muscles contract more often and to a greater degree. For example, if the unit is set to 30Hz for 30 seconds, the muscle will contract and relax 900 times.
What is SWBV (Sonic whole body vibration)?
Sonic Whole-Body Vibration (SWBV) employs a speaker system with new magnetic circuits, rather than vibration spin motors. SWBV works to overcome all negative aspects of vibration motors. Vibration spin motors have excessive noise, an unnatural directions of vibration, harsh direction changes, and can create a stress response in the body. SWBV which is in a natural vertical plane of motion, has fully adjustable intensity, and is a true sine wave directional change. All of which results in a much more enjoyable and healthy vibrational exercise experience. Mechanical WBV simply cannot function at the level that SWBV does.
Many types of intermediate sports, like walking, power walking, horse riding, etc. are all performed at low frequencies, between 1 ~ 8 Hz. It is now possible with SWBV to exercise at these ultra low frequencies. The movements are only vertical, which is the direction we experience through most of our physical activities.
What are the Contraindications & Effects of the Sonic Life machine?
This list below of contraindications is not absolute. If one of the conditions listed below applies to you we strongly advise that you consult with your physician before using the Sonix. If you have any known heath concerns in addition to this list, consult your physician and advise them you wish to begin a sonic vibration exercise program which vibrates in a vertical plane between 3-50 Hz (vibrations per second) and has an adjustable intensity (rate at which the plate vibrates up and down). Your body may endure between negative and positive 3 Gs of force for up to 10 minutes. This can be equivalent to 1 hour of cardio.
• Pregnancy
• Acute thrombosis
• Serious cardiovascular disease
• Pacemaker
• Recent wounds from an operation or surgery
• Recent Hip and knee implants
• Acute hernia, discopathy, spondylolysis
• Severe diabetes
• Epilepsy
• Recent infections
• Severe migraines
• Tumors
• Recently placed IUDs, metal pins, or plates
• Electrolyte imbalance
Research is still being conducted on the effects of vibration on certain medical conditions. Very frail individuals and children should consult their physician and be accompanied by an adult when using the Sonix.

Children using SWBV -. With young children, it is advisable to restrict use to under 3-4 min at a 50% or less amplitude. This would include the low intensity setting, or in the Manual mode at low frequency.

Should I take my shoes off before using the Sonix?
Yes it is recommended that you take off your shoes before using the Sonix. Shoes can absorb some of the good vibrations from going through your body. By removing your shoes you will also be in a more natural position. To get the best results from you Sonix experience you should be barefoot or wearing a pair of socks.
How should I be standing while using the Sonix?
While on the Sonix, hold your most perfect posture. Shoulders back, head up looking forward, breathing deeply. Standing tall places your body posture in a neutral weight distribution position for the best overall affect.
Is there anything I can do to increase the effects of the Sonix?
While on the Sonix flex and tense muscles in various isometric contractions. The stimulation of the fast twitch muscle response is the natural process of the Sonix using the weight of the cell in gravity. To get faster results from your 10 minute Sonic workout, flex and hold different muscle contractions.
Also, Breathe, Breathe, Breathe, when you have all of your 100 trillion cells in motion, they are screaming for Oxygen to help burn the large number of calories being spent. Be sure and breathe deeply. Another consideration would be the addition of an oxygen concentrator for an incredible EWAT experience.
Should I ease my way into using the Sonix?
Yes, Start off slowly. In the beginning stick with the 10 minute program, or even less, the body has been storing toxins for many years. The fluid movement generated by your Sonix exercise program is going to stimulate your body to detoxify and remove unwanted fluid. As you slowly adapt you can add in another 10 minute session, or use the machine several times a day with up to three 20min sessions.
Can I use the Sonix if I’m Sensitive to EMFs?
This issue has been researched and tested over the last 10 years. Incoherent EMF is made up of thousands of random frequencies (Like microwaves, and wireless phones ). Those are not so good…… A sound wave, a single tone, or a sound in its self, is a coherent frequency. Our Sonix emits a single wave form that is Coherent. Other forms of electrical equipment have Incoherent random waves that can affect the electromagnetic sensitive people.
What is the max G-force and amplitude for the Sonix?
The max G-force of the Sonix is 3Gs and the max amplitude is 22mm. Remember that the Sonix is sound actuated so it functions in a true sine wave, actually slightly decelerating before it changes direction. Mechanical and non-sonic machines are a saw tooth or square wave creating a very harsh, jarring, and cellular stressor due to the change in the direction of the motor.
What Makes the Sonix better than the rest of the WBV machines?
The Sonix is the only vibrational plate available in the world that is truly sound actuated, with a precise frequency range from 3 – 50 Hertz in 1 Hertz increments. The base plate or motor, is actually a powerful magnetic voice coil or speaker. Since the introduction of the Turbosonic 10 years ago, and then the Sonix years ago, several other companies have been trying to capitalize on our patented sonic design by claiming to be sound actuated. What they actually have is a liner motor or several small liner motors that do respond to a sound frequency chip and that’s the end of the similarity. The motion is then transferred to the plate via mechanical actuation rods. I only know of 2 other devices with liner motors. If they are a true Sonic actuated like the Sonix they should be able to play music, or plug an ipod/Mp3 into the device.
Number of vibrational machines available in the world——about 60
Number of machines that are a strictly vertical motion—-about 6 (omni-directional plates can create a cellular stress response. O.K. For an elite athlete, not O.K. For someone with a health challenge or geriatric)
Number of machines that function below 30Hz——-about 3 ( earth frequencies, dolphins, mitochondria, healing effects, meditation, creative brain wave patterning etc. are all below 12Hz
Number of machines that are sound actuated—Sonix
Number of machines that have a range from 3-50 Hz in one step increments—Sonix
Number of machines that can adjust amplitude from 0 to max (22mm)—–Sonix
Number of machines that emit a coherent low frequency electromagnetic field—-Sonix
There is no viberation machine competition at this level. Most of the other machines are an exercise device at some level, but none have the exercise therapeutics, and exercise versatility of the Sonix.
How can I utilize the Sonix in my business practice?
Many businesses such as Gyms, Wellness Spas, Chiropractic offices, etc….. are using Sonix. It is a great way to create revenue by selling sessions or monthly memberships to experience the Sonix.
How many calories can I burn in a 10 minute session?
In one ten-minute Sonix session you can burn up to 190 Calories.
Will I lose weight if I use the Sonix?
Yes. Training with WBV has been shown to increase lean muscle mass, therefore it increases the metabolism and will help burn more calories. It is recommended though, for optimum weight loss, that you combine Vibration training with a cardio workout and a good carbohydrate restrictive diet.
Will using Sonix exercise help to reduce cellulite?
Yes! studies and users have reported that cellulite can be significantly reduced through Whole Body Vibration Exercise.
Will Sonix exercise help to increase my flexibility?
Yes it can help improve your flexibility. Before you use the Sonix try touching your toes, after your session try touching your toes again. You will notice It will be much easier the second time. A better range of motion and flexibility is usually the first thing the users notice.
Can I use the Sonix if I’m pregnant?
No. It is not recommended. However, it is great to use as a post pregnancy work out.
How long does it take to ship a Sonix to my location?
It usually takes about 8 to 10 business days for the shipment to arrive at its destination. For more detailed shipping information and to order call Janna at 707-480-4003.

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA, Health Canada or the Public Health Agency of Canada. The use of, the sale of, and the purchase of any products offered by Sonic Life LLC, are not intended for any medical purposes what-so-ever. These products and all products sold by Sonic Life LLC are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease in man or other animals, and are strictly for exercise purposes only. Any benefits listed on this web site are based on independent studies which reference over 50 years of research into whole body vibration exercise and training, and which would also be obtainable through other forms of physical exercise. The material provided herein is intended for educational and informational purposes only. Janna Waldinger, A Living Vibration, INC, TurboSonic USA and Sonic Life LLC are not engaged in rendering any medical service or advice, and the information provided is not a substitute for a professional medical opinion. If you have a medical problem, please contact your doctor or a qualified health professional.